How, as a prosperous westerner, do you free yourself from the guilty knowledge that your bequest to planet earth will be a hotter and less hospitable climate? 作为一个富有的西方人,你明知给地球留下的将是更炎热和更不宜人的气候,如何从这种负罪感中解脱?
Guilty Should Be Adjudicated Prudently According to "The General Knowledge, General Rule and Reason"& In Perspective of a Case of Embezzlement 以常识、常理、常情来谨慎对待入罪&以一起挪用公款案为视角
We're all guilty, that's the truth. Cor.13:8 Love never falls away. But whether prophecies, they will be rendered useless; or tongues, they will cease; or knowledge, it will be rendered useless. 我们都不是无瑕之玉,这也无庸讳言。林前十三8爱是永不败落;但申言终必归于无用,方言终必停止,知识也终必归于无用。
Without burdening you with guilty knowledge by informing you of same. 用以弥补您听到我们罪恶的补偿。
What is guilty knowledge and why should we want to keep children from it? 什么是邪恶的知识,为何我们应该让小孩子远离邪恶的知识?